Saturday, 9 August 2014

ISIS: The Borg Descends on Planet Earth

In the Popular television series, STAR TREK, the universe is threatened by an unstoppable rolling cube called THE BORG.  It's purpose is simple and non-negotiable - assimilate every living organism into the collective.  And now THE BORG has reached earth in the form of ISIS;  the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham.  It's current target is the Middle East where it threatens to obliterate the Christian population in northern Iraq and 40,000 Yazidis, a minority religion who have lived in Iraq for thousands of years.  However, unlike the fictional Star Trek Borg, victims are given a choice:  convert, die or leave.  But option 3 seems to be a non - starter, since when people do begin their exodus to "freedom", they are still hunted down.  So that leaves 2 real choices.

In the land already occupied, ISIS proclaimed a Caliphate - their version of an Islamic empire.  Confiscated properties are given to supporters.  Ancient symbols of infidel religions are destroyed.  ISIS jihadists are sent to other parts of the region to destabilize political and economic life and soften them up for invasion.  Young supporters from Britain, Canada, Germany etc. etc. etc. send messages back home inviting friends to join them in the great crusade for a world - wide Caliphate.  Gruesome videos and photos accompany their invitations - beheadings, torture, bullet in the brain - as enticements to sign up for this "righteous"  adventure.

Opponents of these Barbarians are putting up a good fight but they need help.  Gradually, the rest of the world is waking up to the global threat of this plague (just like the Ebola virus).  Anyone who believes  ISIS will stay out of Europe, America or anywhere else in the world is living in a fantasy land.  Tune in tomorrow for the first wake - up call and remember, you can't negotiate with the BORG

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