Saturday, 23 August 2014

Mr. President: "Get Your Teeth Into The Job"

In an August 10th, blog, I sent "kudos"  to President Obama for his decision to launch airstrikes against the Islamic State (ISIS).  Well, good start, now get the job done.  Keep it up - bomb these fanatics straight to "Paradise"  and bypass the painful process of suicide bombers, more 9  11's,  London Undergrounds, social media beheadings etc. etc. etc.  But instead of Churchillian "the world must pull together"  speeches, Mr. Obama sounds like a school teacher:  "no faith or religion teaches people to murder innocents".  What?  Of course, no religion teaches that - unless fanatics pervert and twist their religion into a genocidal ideology out to destroy the world as we know it, and replace it with a homogeneous Islamic Caliphate cleansed of all infidels and apostates.  Imagine the end game - the whole planet under the black and white Jihadist flag.

And, Mr. Obama, what's all this talk about American support dependent on Iraq electing an "inclusive"  government?  Look at the bigger picture.  British, Canadian, German, American, Australian etc. etc. etc.  recruits flocking to join the Islamic State army don't give a flying fig if Iraq does or doesn't get an "inclusive"  government.  Their target is much bigger - EARTH!  This army, though relatively small in numbers, is an international force - they (and others who follow)  will eventually want to go home and when they do, they will want to see their black and white flag flying over the White House, 10 Downing St.  and all other capitol buildings in the world.

Not putting American "boots"  on the ground is understandable and reasonable.  But, Mr. President, study your intelligence sources.  They estimate that ISIS has 30 MI Abrams tanks and howitzers that are either self-propelled or towed behind trucks.  These weapons gave the Islamic State the advantage over the Peshmerga in recent battles.  In addition to these American weapons captured from the Iraqi army, the terrorists have Russian- made equipment:  vehicle-mounted anti-aircraft guns called ZPU-4 and DSHK heavy machine guns mounted on trucks.  Then there are the shoulder-fired rockets.  These are your targets Mr. President, forget about a unified Iraq, use your F-18's and destroy them now!  Worry about Iraq's political future later.

On television, Mr. President, you said ISIS is a "cancer".  How right you are.  But don't forget one indisputable fact abut cancer - either you kill it or it will kill you.  Go get 'em

*Below is a Canadian propaganda poster, circa 1943, showing Adolf Hitler up a tree, about to come crashing down - thanks to the persistent efforts of a symbolic Canadian beaver.

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