Thursday, 4 September 2014

British Imans Condemn Islamic State - A Good Beginning

For the first time since Jihadist fighters began their campaign of terror and murder in Iraq and Syria, British Imans have issued a fatwa (religious decree)  condemning British Muslims fighting alongside Islamic State extremists.  Six senior Islamic scholars signed the fatwa which describes the young British citizens as "heretics".  This follows an upgrade of Britain's terror threat from "substantial"  to "severe", meaning intelligence agencies agree an attack is "highly likely"  somewhere in the home island soon.  Sheik Muhammad Shahid Raza, head Iman at Leicester Central Mosque said the fatwa was very significant:  "Many scholars from diverse theological backgrounds are supporting it so it carries a lot of weight.  I hope our young people will listen to what we are saying...  Isis is a poisonous ideology".

This is a good first step which hopefully will be followed up with fatwas from around the Muslim world.  And, hopefully, those condemnations (if they come)  will be followed by condemnations from our own intellectuals and politicians in the West.  The fact is that too many Westerners are blinded by misguided beliefs in "moral relativism"  - that each religion or culture is equal and should be able to practice its values without interference.  Otherwise, how do you explain feminists turning a blind eye to female genital mutilation, gender segregation, no education for females, women as second class citizens - as practiced by many Muslims worldwide, not just IS.  How do you explain gays/lesbians more concerned with transgendered washrooms than Imans who preach jail or death to all homosexuals.  The list goes on.

To be fair, Christianity once treated women as inferior to men and many Christians still treat homosexuality as a "sin".  But the enlightenment and liberal thought over many centuries cured the violence in Christianity (Spanish Inquisition, Salem Witch Hunts, the Crusades etc.)  and eventually led to the separation of Church and State.  That must happen to Islam.

But for now, the current reality is a murderous cancer eating through the Middle East, helped by misguided Western volunteers who will soon return home to incubate these cancerous cells in the very core of the Western world.  It must be "chemotherapied" out of existence.

And before you call me a racist or "Islamophobic", remember - the true religion of Islam does not justify any of the barbaric acts we see on social media.  True Islam has been hijacked and perverted by radical monsters who have been transformed into a cancer in the human genome.

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